About the Board

Christian Cajochen PhD, SLTBR President 2022-2024 :

Christian Cajochen PhD, SLTBR President 2022-2024

Prof. Christian Cajochen is heading the Centre for Chronobiology at the University of Basel. He received his PhD in natural sciences from the ETH in Zürich, Switzerland, followed by a 3-y postdoctoral stay at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA. His major research interests include investigative work on the influence of light on human cognition, circadian rhythms and sleep, circadian related disturbances in psychiatric disorders, and age-related changes in the circadian regulation of sleep and neurobehavioral performance. He has held a number of honours and has authored more than 150 original papers and reviews in his career.

Centre for Chronobiology
Transfaculty Research Platform
Molecular and Cognitive Neurosciences (MCN)
Psychiatric Hospital
University of Basel (UPK)
Wilhelm-Kleinstrasse 27
4002 Basel

Phone: + 41 61 325 53 18
Corrado Garbazza MD, Vice President 2022 – 2024 :

Corrado Garbazza MD, Vice President 2022 – 2024

Centre for Chronobiology
Psychiatric Hospital
Transfaculty Research Platform Molecular and Cognitive Neurosciences (MCM)
University of Basel

Dr. Garbazza, MD is a psychiatrist specialized in sleep and circadian medicine and research, working at the Centre for Chronobiology of the University of Basel, Switzerland. After medical studies in Italy and Germany, he obtained a doctorate from the Competence Center of Sleep Medicine of the Charité Medical University, Berlin. After moving to Switzerland, he entered a PhD program at the University of Basel, Centre for Chronobiology, under the supervision of Prof. Christian Cajochen. Since 2012, Dr Garbazza has specialized on the management of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders and the chronotherapy of affective disorders, with a focus on the bright light treatment of perinatal depression. 

Louise Ince :

Louise Ince

Dr. Louise Ince completed her PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Manchester, where she studied the influence of circadian rhythms in glucocorticoid signaling on inflammatory responses in the lung. As a postdoc, she moved to the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and the University of Geneva to research biological rhythms in adaptive immune function. Now a Research Scientist at The University of Texas at Austin, Louise is using her expertise in rhythmic immunology to investigate how changes in neuroimmune rhythms contribute to cognitive decline in aging and dementia.

E-mail: louise.ince@austin.utexas.edu

Website: https://lab.ince.live

Lisa Wu :

Lisa Wu

Lisa Wu is a psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital and the Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University, and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Trained as a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist, her research has focused on studying the side- and late effects of cancer and its treatment, and intervention development. This work has led her to become interested in circadian rhythms in cancer patients, and light therapy as a treatment for side- and late-effects of cancer.

Email: lisa.wu@oncology.au.dk

Aleksander Videnoic :

Aleksander Videnoic

Aleksandar Videnovic, MD, MSc is an Associate Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and Director of Division of Sleep Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). He directs a Program on Sleep, Circadian Biology and Neurodegeneration at MGH. Dually trained in movement disorders and sleep medicine, Dr. Videnovic focusses his clinical work on wide range of neurodegenerative and sleep disorders. His ongoing research programs investigate the interface of sleep, circadian biology and neurodegeneration, with an emphasis on movement disorders and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. His other research area of interest are clinical trials in movement disorders.

Marijke Gordijn (Past President, 2020-2022) : University of Groningen

Marijke Gordijn (Past President, 2020-2022)

University of Groningen

Marijke C.M. Gordijn, PhD, is guest researcher at the Chronobiology group
of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands and founder/director of
Chrono@Work B.V. After finishing her Masters in Biology, she did her PhD
at the Psychiatric department of the University Medical Center in
Groningen. Her main interest is translational research in the fields of
chronobiology, sleep, light, metabolism and mood/well-being. Her goal is to
use this knowledge to prevent the negative effects of chronobiological
disruption in our 24/7 society. Marijke is president of the Society for Light
Treatment and Biological Rhythms, and co-founder of both Chronotherapy
Network Netherlands and the Good Light Group.

Phone: +31 0502111946
John Hanifin, Treasurer :

John Hanifin, Treasurer

Thomas Jefferson University
Department of Neurology
1025 Walnut St., Suite 507
Pennsylvania 19107

Phone: +1 215 955 9409

Renske Lok :

Renske Lok

MSc Renske Lok studied Medical Biology at the University of Groningen. After graduation, she continued as a PhD candidate at the University of Groningen, department of Chronobiology, in which she investigated effects of light on human alertness. Other topics of interests include effects of light on psychological and physical performance, thermoregulation and sleep.


Board Members