Hotel information

SCAM ALERT: Please pay attention that the SLTBR is NOT affiliated with any travel agency at the moment. If you receive unsolicited e-mails from entities posing as travel agencies (such as from, please be aware that it is a scam. We strongly advise for you to ignore any e-mail received from them and to block the sender. Use trusted and verified travel agents to book your accommodation during the conference.

Hotel recommendation

Hermitage Hotel Prague
Svobodova 1
120 00 Praha 2 – Nové Město
Tel +420 225 995 225

Hermitage Hotel Prague is a 4-star hotel in the broader city centre located near the Vltava River and Vysehrad. It features 210 rooms, 5 meeting rooms with a capacity for up to 250 delegates, a business centre, a parking lot, a restaurant and a fitness centre. Prague Congress Centre, a park and several landmarks are situated nearby. The hotel is located only 500 meters (6 min walk) from the meeting venue. 

Please use the promo code Hermitage20 and get 20% off the current room rates. You can book your room HERE (

Some other hotel suggestions:

Mosaic House – Design Hotel 
Odboru 4, 120 00 Prague 2
Tel: +420 277 016 880

Hotel Garden Court
Spálená 90/17
110 00 Prague 1 
Tel: +420 272 651 959 

Hotel Rott
Malé náměstí 138/4
Praha 1, 110 00
Tel: +420 224 190 901

Hotel Elite
Le-Investment, spol. s r.o.
Ostrovní 32, 110 00 Prague 1
Tel: +420 211 159 858

Accommodation is not included in the congress fee, and the organizer does not provide any accommodation.